02 April 2017

On the Start Time for the Sunday Mass

Sunday 26 March 2017 – The Fourth Sunday in Lent

Dear Parish Family,

At this month’s Vestry meeting, the topic about the time of the Sunday Mass was introduced by certain lay members of Vestry for consideration.  It would appear that at least amongst a portion of the Vestry and amongst a portion of the membership of the parish that there is a desire to push the time of the Sunday Mass back a half-hour in order that it would begin at 9:30 AM.  This appears to be of concern mostly for some of our younger families who are getting kids and youth ready in the morning to come to Church.

In the initial discussion on this matter at Vestry, the chief concern that was raised as a possible impediment to this was concern over the impact of this decision on our organist.  I have, with the knowledge of Vestry, discussed this with Darice.  My thought initially was that if we were to do so we might be in a position where we would need to raise the salary of our organist as this would likely mean that she would need to give up playing at St. Luke’s United Church of Christ, one of our neighbor parishes in the North End of the City.  Darice also plays the organ for them.  Their Sunday service is currently at 10:00 AM.

In my discussion with Darice she reminded me that St. Luke’s never starts on time.  Their service tends to start closer to 10:30 as this tends to be when people actually arrive at that Church.  She spoke with the lay leaders of the parish today and reported back to me after their service that they are willing to change their time to 10:30, which is more accurate to when their service actually begins presently.

Therefore I, on behalf of Vestry, am now requesting feedback from you, the members of the parish, on the Sunday Mass.  I am aware, and wish to share with you, that some of the younger families with children ideally would like to see Mass held at 10:00 AM.  These members of the parish are aware that there are some who might be inclined to wish to remain at 9:00 AM.  Thus the suggestion of 9:30 AM is a compromise that meets in the middle between these two times.

The next meeting of the Vestry is scheduled for after the 9:00 AM Sunday Mass on Sunday 23 April, the Second Sunday of Easter.  At that meeting we will place discussion of the time of the Sunday Mass at the beginning of the Vestry meeting.  I encourage you to give your feedback to the members of the Vestry or to me in between now and that day.  One possibility also is that at the conclusion of the Mass on that Vestry Sunday we could begin the Vestry meeting in the Nave at the conclusion of the Mass and thus have a parish family discussion before those present for the Mass depart and the Vestry resumes the remainder of business for the month.  This is possible, for remember that the meetings of the Vestry are all public meetings at which any and all members of the parish are welcome to be present to witness the work of the Vestry.  By keeping this upstairs and prior to the departure of our family present already, there would be a greater ease to include as many voices as possible in this decision.

Please know that if we do go to a 9:30 start time for the Mass, I will be reviewing the general order of the Mass and making some adjustments in our normal pattern to ensure that we are done in a timely fashion that would enable Darice to be at St. Luke’s at 10:30 for the start of their service.  I have a few thoughts in mind already at this point that I think will allow for this.

I also want to be clear that I do not want this to become a divisive issue in the life of our parish.  At the very least I believe a matter such as this requires a super-majority (67%; 2 of 3 persons in agreement).  I think it wiser to say that I would like to see closer to a 75% agreement in the parish and ideally a complete consensus in the Vestry if we are to make this change.

Finally I am including in this letter the membership of your Vestry so that you know to whom you may direct your feedback on this matter.

Father Tim, Rector of the Parish & Chair of the Vestry
Bill Falzone, Senior Warden [Rector’s Warden] & Member of Vestry
Lucy Salvo, Junior Warden & Member of Vestry
Debbie Hocko, Clerk & Member of Vestry
Linda Abner, Treasurer & Member of Vestry
Sue Stella, Interim Bookkeeper & Member of Vestry
Juli Oja, Member of Vestry
Pauline Hylton, Member of Vestry

I look forward to your feedback.

Fr. Tim+
The Rev’d Timothy Alleman, M.Div.
Rector – The Episcopal Church of the Holy Cross

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