with Joy for the Paschal Feast
Part XI of XV
Monday 26 March 2018
Holy Monday
In Praise of Wisdom
Baruch 3:9-15,
Hear the commandments
of life, O Israel; give ear, and learn wisdom! Why is it, O Israel, why is it that you
are in the land of your enemies, that you are growing old in a foreign country,
that you are defiled with the dead, that you are counted among those in Hades? You have forsaken the fountain of wisdom. If you had walked in the way of God, you would
be living in peace for ever. Learn where
there is wisdom, where there is strength, where there is understanding, so that
you may at the same time discern where there is length of days, and life, where
there is light for the eyes, and peace. Who
has found her place? And who has entered
her storehouses? But the one who knows
all things knows her, he found her by his understanding. The one who prepared the earth for all time filled
it with four-footed creatures; the one who sends forth the light, and it goes; he
called it, and it obeyed him, trembling; the stars shone in their watches, and
were glad; he called them, and they said, "Here we are!" They shone with gladness for him who made
them. This is our God; no other can be
compared to him. He found the whole way
to knowledge, and gave her to his servant Jacob and to Israel, whom he loved. Afterwards she appeared on earth and lived
with humankind. She is the book of the
commandments of God, the law that endures for ever. All who hold her fast will live, and those who
forsake her will die. Turn,
O Jacob, and take her; walk towards the shining of her light. Do not give your glory to another, or your
advantages to an alien people. Happy are
we, O Israel, for we know what is pleasing to God.
The Rev’d Timothy
The Church of the
Holy Cross
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